Refinance Calculator

Current Loan Info





Refinanced Loan Info





By refinancing your current loan balance of $NaN at % over years, you will your monthly payments by $NaN and pay off the loan 0 months sooner. The total interest paid over the life of the loan will remain unchanged..

Current LoanRefinanced Loan
Monthly Payment$NaN$NaN
Total Payments$NaN$NaN
Total Interest$NaN$NaN
Loan Pay-off date
YearPrincipalInterestTotal PaidLoan Balance

What is Loan Refinancing?

Loan refinancing involves acquiring a new loan, typically with more advantageous terms, to settle an existing one. The specifics of refinancing terms and conditions vary widely, with this practice commonly associated with home mortgages, car loans, or student loans. If the origina l loans are linked to collateral (assets guaranteeing loans), they can be transferred to the new loans. In cases where debt replacement is undertaken due to financial difficulties, it is termed debt restructuring, a process aimed at reducing and renegotiating overdue debts to enhance or restore liquidity.

Reasons to Refinance:

Save Money: If a borrower secured a loan during a period of high interest rates, and interest rates have subsequently declined, refinancing to a new loan with lower interest rates can lead to savings on interest costs. Additionally, refinancing may be pursued when a borrower's credit score improves, potentially qualifying them for more favorable rates. Utilizing the saved funds to settle other outstanding debts can further enhance the credit score.

Need Cash: As the loan balance decreases over the repayment period, borrowers may accrue enough equity to cash out by refinancing the loan, primarily applicable to home mortgage loans. However, cash - out refinancing typically involves certa in fees unless accompanied by a lower interest rate, making it a relatively expensive option.

Lower Payment Amount: Borrowers struggling to meet minimum monthly payments on a loan can opt to refinance to a new loan with reduced required monthly payments, a lleviating financial strain. Nonetheless, this often extends the loan term and raises the total interest payable.

Shorten the Loan: Refinancing to shorter loan terms enables borrowers to potentially expedite repayment of existing loans. A common example is refinancing a 30 - year mortgage to a 15 - year mortgage, typically featuring a lower interest rate albeit resulting in a higher monthly payment.

Consolidate Debt: Simplifying loan management by consolidating multiple loans into a single one with a unified payment date is advantageous. This is achieved through refinancing multiple loans into a single loan, particularly one offering a lower interest rate than all preceding loans.

Switching Interest Rate Types: Loan refinancing facilitates transitioning from variable interest rates to fixed ones, or vice versa. This allows borrowers to lock in low rates for the remaining loan duration, providing protection against rising rate environments.

Costs Associated with Mortgage Refinancing:

During the process of refinancing mortgages, there are several typical fees that may arise. This calculator incorporates all of these costs as refinancing fees.

Mortgage Application Fee: Lenders may impose a fee of approximately 1% of the loan amount to process mortgage applications, regardless of approval status.

Home Appraisal: Lenders often require an appraisal of the property's value to assess changes and determine if borrowers possess adequate equity for a successful application. Typically, this incurs a cost of a few hundred dollars.

Loan Origination Fee or Mortgage Points: Typically ranging from 0% to 2% of the loan amount, these fees serve as compensation for establishing loans.

Documents Preparation Fee: Typically a few hundred dollars, this fee covers the preparation of essential documents like the Truth-in-Lending disclosure.

Title Search Fee: This fee, amounting to a few hundred dollars, is paid to a ti tle company to research court records, prior deeds, and property databases to ensure the title is free and clear of any liens.

Recording Fee: Charged for processing paperwork through counties or cities, this fee is usually a few hundred dollars or less.

Flood Certification: Required in specific geographical areas, this certification ensures compliance with flood regulations.

Inspection Fee: This fee covers the evaluation of property conditions or working order, including assessments of plumbing, electrical systems, pests, roofing, HVAC systems, and any other relevant aspects. Typically, it amounts to a few hundred dollars.

Survey Fee: Conducting a survey of the property confirms boundary lines to prevent encroachment by neighboring properties. If a new survey is necessary, expect to pay a few hundred dollars for this service.

Video Instructions to Use Refinance Calculator: